Proposal to Mike Godwin: Creating a “Church of Scientology Exception” to Godwin’s Law

A proposal submitted to Mike Godwin for his consideration: Make a “Church of Scientology” exception to Godwin’s Law.

Why? I argue that it is not incorrect to compare the nature, structure, and operations of the Church of Scientology to the Nazis. As I will show in this essay, the Church of Scientology is a multi-billion dollar transnational Master Race group which has a call for genocide embedded in the writings of L. Ron Hubbard.

Secretly operated and managed by a legally non-existent paramilitary organization called the Sea Org, the Church of Scientology, through the Sea Org, finances and operates a psycho-terrorism, propaganda, and intelligence gathering agency called the Office of Special Affairs. While the Church presently lacks the means to conduct a genocide, its decades-long malicious conduct of “Fair Game” argues that it would do so if it had the means.

Zie: ‘Proposal to Mike Godwin: Creating a “Church of Scientology Exception” to Godwin’s Law‘.

16-06-2015 8.48 | Door: De Grote Vrager | Categorie: Geschiedenis, Juridisch, Losse skakels

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