Andy Secrest: Shadowing Bix

Andy’s work on the post Bix-Trumbauer(1929-30) sides shows a very capable jazz cornetist. Although not the brilliant improviser that Bix was, he holds his own on sides such as Nobody but You, Shivery Stomp, Turn on the Heat, My Sweeter than Sweet and especially on Hoagy Carmichael’s Manhattan Rag. This selection obviously intended for Bix gives Secrest much to do and he rises to the occasion.

Bix continued with Whiteman until Sept. of 1929. He still produced classic solos such as China Boy, Oh! Miss Hannah and Reaching for Someone. After the session of Sept. 13, he returned to Davenport to rehab once again. Bix wouldn’t return to Whiteman and Andy assumed the role of cornet soloist in the orchestra.

Zie ‘Andy Secrest: Shadowing Bix‘.

8-10-2015 13.15 | Door: De Grote Vrager | Categorie: Losse skakels, Muziek, Personen

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